Mobile traffic increased by 450%, search traffic increased by 19%.

Gaylord Specialty Healthcare

When life-changing healthcare challenges happen to someone you love, you don’t want to dig through a mountain of information to find them the right care. So, we created a visually striking website experience using videos, testimonials and simple factsheets that delivered fast, clean, hassle-free information to visitors and reinforced Gaylord being the bar when it comes to this type of care.

Mobile traffic increased by 450%, search traffic increased by 19%.

Mobile traffic increased by 450%, search traffic increased by 19%.

Users are returning to the site 32% more often than they had previously. Social network traffic to the site jumped 192%, with 23% of those users returning to the site later.

Users are returning to the site 32% more often than they had previously. Social network traffic to the site jumped 192%, with 23% of those users returning to the site later.

Role: Art Direction & Design
Agency: ndp agency